
Posts Tagged ‘fallen world’

This is the second in my series on what makes God sad, mad and glad.  No, this is not some squishy, liberal sermon about God crying when we kill baby seals, rather, it looks at the things that made Jesus sad during his incarnation and extrapolates to say that the things that made Jesus sad are the same things that would make God sad.  I’m careful to point out that we should not assign human emotions to the Almighty God; however, we can see the emotions of Jesus and know the heart of God.

In a nutshell, it is sin that makes God sad.  Jesus wept to see the suffering of the fallen world acted out at the graveside of Lazarus.  He mourned over Jerusalem which would soon suffer for rejecting God.  He was amazed when he could not do miracles due to the lack of faith in those he encountered in his hometown.


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